“Hey, you
I haven't seen those eyes for quite some time, it's been awhile
And there's something different in mine, too
They've seen so many places, different faces, complications
But there's something still beautiful about you.”
Time out. Erm, actually, the words written above are lines from a song. When I titled this letter, “Hey, you”, I recalled a song with a similar title. Once upon a time, two gospel artistes with sonorous voices did a thing with this RnB/soul track. So good. As someone who is quite musically-inclined, I discern great songwriting almost too quickly. Heh! Feel me? Maybe. Maybe not. Anyway, that was on a lighter note.
Today, I hope to write you a concise, heartfelt letter, in three different ways. I'm trusting that God will speak directly to your heart (as He did mine while writing this), and address what needs to be addressed. Can I get an Amen?
Hey, you.
First, I hope to remind you of God's unwavering character. This is what you've heard echoed many times as, “God is consistent.” If someone wants to go all theology on you, they may say, “God is immutable. He does not change.” You might have also sang about it in one or two choruses yourself, thoughtfully or thoughtlessly; in symphony or cacophony. But here's the bone of contention: How well does your soul know it?
Thing is, God is nothing like Abraham or Moses, David or Elijah, Peter or Paul, you or me, who sometimes allow character flaws to get the better of them, unlike what Christ exemplified. God is love, good, kind, just, faithful, beautiful, majestic, and more–He is consistently so.
In this truth, your faith cannot be futile; your hope cannot be empty. See it as an anchor for your soul, really. God is unwavering in character.
Hey you,
I hope to remind you about those things that might have been weighing on your heart recently. The one-to-many things that have made you sigh, cry, or both. Doubt, shout, or both. Maybe your heart has become like a whirlpool of worries when you think about it. And perhaps talking about it doesn't seem to make it any better, contrary to the popular notion. I would say I truly empathize, rather tham claim to understand.
Listen, whatever your response has been towards those worries, God is not taken aback. Rather, He wants you to trust him through, to see you through. I hope you remember from His word that He who asks you to cast your cares on Him, is the very one who cares for you. Think about it this way, if it helps: A good father sees his toddler trying to carry something too heavy for their little hands. In compassion, he sighs; in delight, he smiles. Then he goes ahead–not just to say, “Hey, son. Hand it over to daddy”– but also, “Let daddy carry you” (Using this analogy because doesn't Jesus tell us to imitate little children?). God doesn't only want to lighten or take away the burden, He also wants to carry and take care of you. I say again, He wants you to trust him through, to see you through.
Hey you,
I hope to remind you that whatever you don't prioritise, you're likely to take for granted. So, what comes to mind right now, huh? Your walk with God? Your relationships? Your purpose/assignment? What good thing in your life is going south at the cost of that distraction you're allowing to plague you? Or that conversation you're refusing to have? Can you reflect on the recent promises or commitments you've made, in the light of your execution of them? Perhaps, now you remember there's someone you need to call. Questions you need to ask. Tasks you need to work on. Honest feedbacks you need to give. Prayers you need to pray. Gift(s) you need to send across.
Who says you need to have it all together? Certainly not me who doesn't. And while God wouldn't heap a neck-bending, back-breaking burden on you with these things, He will convict you by His Spirit to do the right thing. Best part is, He'll refresh your soul while at it. I'm certain you know that good feeling of doing all, or most of what needs to be done. The sigh of relief! The joy!
Again, whatever you don't prioritise, you take for granted.
Hey you,
I pray for you, most especially for your heart. It is my prayer that as you keep growing intimately acquainted with God, your heart will learn to rest in Him. You are empowered to walk in transitions consistent with your life in Christ—fear to faith; confusion to clarity; doubt to conviction. I pray you receive the strength to do all that's required of you, and do it right. You are the blessed of the Lord. In Jesus’ name, I pray.
Until next time.
Yours in Quality time,
thank youuu
Touching , beautiful and exceptional. As always😘😘😘😘