Come on nawwwwwwww...somebody give God a shout of praise!!!

God bless you, Debola💯🥂

Everything, from start to finish, is undeniably on point! To think that I could relate to some of the details written here, like how I also went big on streaks, one time like that🥹.

This is beautiful, sis. Take your flowers🌹💐

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Gotta join you in that shout of praise!!! I love the flowers, thank you😃. Your feedbacks delight me so much, Wunmi. 💛

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I relate in my own way, thank you for this really.

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God be praised 🙌🏽. Thank you for reading

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Wosh! Wosh!! Wosh!!! Is all I can say🔥. God bless your heart, siss

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Amen! And yours, too. Thank you for reading 💖

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It's a journey, not just days to count. You are forever His

This! This! This says it all! Beautifully written. Thank you!

Are you sure you won't branch into fiction laidis? Lool

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Forever His, that's our reality. 💛

Hahaha! Thanks, sis. I used to write a lot of fiction back in the day, but as the Lord wills, I'm looking forward to doing more of these on here. You're one of my channels of inspiration, you know?🤭

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God bless you Adebola 🫶🏽

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God bless you, too, John! Thanks for reading 💛

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This is very amazing. It spoke to me directly. Even though I'm not keeping a streak but I try so hard to not go back to my old self even with all the temptations. Thank you for bringing this to my remembrance again that I cannot do it on my own and that even if I fail, God is ready to take me back.

Keep it up, keep writing and inspiring us.

With Love ❤️

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Aw, God be praised, Favour! Yes, we cannot do it in our own strength. We need God's help in living lives that please Him. Thank God for the Holy Spirit 🙌🏽✨. Thank you for reading 💛.

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This is too good and came at the right time. I recently lost a streak too(Bible reading streak) and I couldn’t forgive myself cos I had put in a lot of effort and reading this has made me realize that it’s not the days that matter but it’s our relationship with him. Thank you bola💋

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I'm so glad this blessed you, girl. I once also felt bad about a Bible plan streak hahaha, but soon realised it was silly to measure my relationship with God against those streaks (even though Bible plan streaks are helpful in building consistency). Someone once said, “God is my progress.” And that stuck with me! If God is indeed my progress, growing in the knowledge of Him is where my progress lies. In Him. Hope this also helps. Xx!

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reading this at 4 am. I just shouted at that ending. Stop it nau... Okay Chucks, you better send those velvety flowers!

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Hahahaha. Thank you for reading!

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Faithful God!

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This is a beautiful story, Adebola.

The discipline to stand upright in consecration. The ensnaring temptations. The guilt and regret of falling. The ever merciful father. The grace given to help in time of need.

I have been there too and this gives so much encouragement for trying times. Thanks for sharing.

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Praise God!!! Thank you for reading 💛.

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Thank you so much. This piece caused an ignition.

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I love this!! It blessed me.

In my desire to be consistent in my walk with God, I need to keep my eyes on Him; beholding Him.

Thank you, Adebola❤️.

He will continue to keep you.

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Amen! Thank you for reading, beloved. It delights me that this piece was a blessing to you🥺❤️.

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God bless you for this, Sis

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Amen! God bless you, too💖. Thank you for reading.

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Such a timely, well written letter. Thank you so much Adebola 🫶🏽🫶🏽 I know I’ll come back to it so many times.

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Ruth, one of the women who inspire me on these streets! God bless your kind heart. I'm glad you found it helpful 💛.

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This was a beautiful and timely read!

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Thank you, Hephzibah 😃💛.

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God bless you ❤️

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God bless you, too. Thank you for reading 💛

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Not the end ooo.👀

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Sometimes, cliffhanger 🤣😭

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